Thursday, July 30, 2020

Meh...Sometimes we just want something else :-/

Sometimes I just want  a do-over on the day or just do life differently...

I'm on day 4 of a 6 week program that I've set out for myself and so far only 1 and a half day, has been kinda accurate to what I've set out to do...

Health is number 1 priority, but today I just want skinny thighs.  That's the afternoon I'm having.

I've eating loads of white bread and coffee.  The poor ol' water bottle is getting my cold shoulder.  And the veggies in the fridge is icing up from loneliness!!
Like a friend put it: my jeans are squirming away when I try and approach them! LOL!!

I'm contemplating on perhaps still giving Chloe Ting's 2 Week Shred exercise, the 15min's go ahead a bit later still.  And maybe even guzzle some water before the day gets too late...

Let's see.  Because for now I'm feeling...Meh!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Emitonal eating

Why am I such an emotional eater???!!!!
Why can I not just simply make the switch in my brain to ONLY eat for fueling my body - Nutrient dense foods and when I need it - timeously...

Big breaths in...remembering that sugar addiction, food addiction and brain paths are all real things...

This blogspot has really helped me to just off load in "dear diary" style.  To keep my sanity and just vent about whatever is on my mind...soooo greatful for such a platform!

I want to break with the artificial sugar habit that I have.  As well as the habit of running to food for comfort and temporary relief from whatever discomfort I feel in that said moment.
But I guess if bad habits were that easy to overcome and break - everybody would be successful. 
Not to say that everybody has the sense of knowing their faults and bad habitual "go to's".  But at least those of us that are fortunate enough to know what we are doing is wrong - even to some - as we realize we've made a mistake, after it had occurred:   if we could break with that bad idea/habit/addiction - the world would be a much different place.

Going a bit deep here, but the world is the world.  Not heaven.  Just the world.   Perfection does not exist other than in the form where living organisms, 100% gives over to exist in the natural form in which it was intended to.

The bottom line for me, is that I cannot live or exist without doing so in Christ.  Dependency on Him and in relationship with Him, the Father and the Holy Spirit...

(Why can we talk and write wise words but not live them??!!!)

Back to square one.

And my conclusion:  life is a balancing act where I have to live in Christ, have a relationship with Him and also do my bit in forming my brain paths / faith.

Emotion eating, only touched makes sense in my brain.  And perhaps I'll elaborate a bit later even more.