Thursday, July 30, 2020

Meh...Sometimes we just want something else :-/

Sometimes I just want  a do-over on the day or just do life differently...

I'm on day 4 of a 6 week program that I've set out for myself and so far only 1 and a half day, has been kinda accurate to what I've set out to do...

Health is number 1 priority, but today I just want skinny thighs.  That's the afternoon I'm having.

I've eating loads of white bread and coffee.  The poor ol' water bottle is getting my cold shoulder.  And the veggies in the fridge is icing up from loneliness!!
Like a friend put it: my jeans are squirming away when I try and approach them! LOL!!

I'm contemplating on perhaps still giving Chloe Ting's 2 Week Shred exercise, the 15min's go ahead a bit later still.  And maybe even guzzle some water before the day gets too late...

Let's see.  Because for now I'm feeling...Meh!