Friday, September 30, 2011
Day 12 - I'm increasingly tired...more and more everyday. Although it's only the first half of the mornings from Wednesday-increasing in tiredness untill friday... Last night I had a hand full of nuts and a quarter can of condensed milk for dinner... That could of course be one of the tiredness culprits :-) . I had a usn shake for breakfast (i prefer to drink it with water). Morning snack was a large green apple. And for lunch i indulged in a bowl of lean biltong slices! Oh, it was yum! But probably too much. And then i drowned myself with 2 cans of coke! I never even drink coke, but I gulped these 2 away in no time. So now I feel really guilty... Plus we don't have dinner plans yet, so I'm fearing that... Hoping that I choose salad tonight! I only did a small amount of tummy exercises today, but see this as my rest day. Tomorrow I'll be running 20 odd kilometers with the club and can't wait for it! And then there's the tea party which I've been invited to... I hope they have salad!!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Day 10 & 11... Yesterday went super well! Although I had to walk twice up the hill at the end of our 10k AM jog. I felt on top of the world because my head is in the right place concerning this challenge and I'm not craving anything! But I was tired at work. But the day went fine. Today I struggled again with a lack of energy on the last hill of our run, but Juanita wouldn't allow me to walk and I'm so thankful for her for pushing me to finish it rather! I'm feeling a bit down...and tired. I really want to go climb in bed and just sleep this day over... I'm disappointed in the lack of energy I have because I also wanted to go do some speed training with the athletics club this afternoon, but I don't think I'll make it like this! I had a shake for breakfast and a cheat meal for lunch - kfc wrap, chips and a juice. Compared to everything healthy yesterday. Tonight I have no idea what I'll eat... My cupboards are empty. I hope I'll stand strong and make it a proud moment!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Yesterday I weighed in... I've picked up 200grams which is not a train smash since it's also PMS-week for me and I'm probably holding back some water. But the important bit, is that I lost 0.3% body fat during last week! And that's huge for me! I'm currently weighing 59.4kg and have 18.9% body fat. Weight-wise I don't have a goal, but I would like to get my body fat % down to 14% during the next 11 weeks of this 12week challenge. My friend Nerine has a goal to loose 9kg's and we're weighing about the same now, so I've challenged her to see who of us can get so 57kg's first!! And so far, this week has been good. For breakfast I had 2 apples and a naartjie. My mid morning snack was a bite of chicken and an apple. Lunch was 100g's of chicken (here I cheated-i added some mayo)... Afternoon snack is an apple and a naartjie. I'll only af taking my 1Usn capsule at 4pm before my 45min. spinning class. Followed by dinner at around 7pm. Which will be salad and chicken.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 8... Drank 2 phedra cuts before am run. Ran 10km's before work. Breakfast: half water/half milk usn chocolate shake-blended with a small banana-YUM dot com!! For real! And now i'm going for my weigh-in, in half an hour! Super nervous since this weekend wasn't picture perfect eating and exercise-wise... I'll be having fruit for lunch. And a 4pm snack followed by 2phedra cuts to help with my pm training, which will be hill session with my athletics club. I can't wait for it, since I haven't been to one of those in about 2months! I'm excited to see how my strength is doing! Dinner will be before 8pm and will consist of about 100g skinless chicken en a BIG plate of salad!! This week is THE week that I'm NOT going to cheat on fatty, sweet or excess carbs!!
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