Sunday, February 4, 2018

Day 21 - of 21 Day challenge

And so here is to today! Cheers!!
The last day of the past 21 days, where I had set out to eat more specific in order to get healthier, fitter and leaner.
And I am super proud to say, that I'm there!!!
Perhaps not as far accomplished as I would hope, but moving forward in the right direction is still success.  In running I always say: you're always faster than the guy sitting on the couch! 
I lost 2.5kg in the last 21days.
Weighing in at 67.2kg this morning.
This was also my 1st successful weekend of eating healthy.  Usually I completely fold for a reward here and there (which end up being a "reward" every hour or so of the whole weekend!)

I set these small challenges for myself, so I can make the days count.  Otherwise it's just wishing in the right direction.  Which usually amounts to no results what so ever...

My next challenge for myself would be our 10year wedding anniversary. 
It's in 59 days...
I'll do some strategy in my next post.

But here's to the next 59 days: Cheers!!!

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