Tuesday, September 28, 2010

(Another) Day 2

So, it's Day 2 of my "loosing 3kg's in one week" -week.

And honestly - I already want to give up...

Last night I ate a bread roll AND pudding!

Of course both of which aren't on my eating plan...


Can you feel my discouragement?!

But breathing in (and sipping on my non-fat, basically-no-calorie hot chocolate: Tantelizing milky mix drink https://www.pnponline.co.za/ProductList.aspx?CategoryName=Groceries&SearchFor=milky), makes me feel a bit better.

Head up high I must remember the awesome Hill-session I had last night. I really gave it my all and wanted to die most of the way, but I'm hear to tell ya'll about it - meaning I survived (and burnt the calories!!)

Going for a beauty treatment in an hour's time and as we all know: this makes the world of difference, because I'll feel perky and ready for life again!

Taking on my challenge with full confidence!

I forgot my strawberries (lunch) at home today - so I'll just substitute one of my apples (snack) to go with the hand full of nuts for today's lunch.

Otherwise, I'll be eating (and planning to eat) the same as yesterday.

Also, tonight I'll be running a 4km time trial for exercise. (Not exactly the amount of exercise I should do, but it'll have to do - we're looking at going out tonight so there just ain't any other time.)

Okay, boring blab's gonna stop now...

And I'm gonna make it through the day and SUCCEED!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

3 Kg's to loose!!

This week I WILL loose 3kg's!!!

I know it's too much at a time, but I know that I can go for a boost, since I've been eating so badly over the weekend!

(Inhale and exhale...)
Now I'm ready!!
Breakfast: protein and vedge/salad (today was a bit silly, but the only thing in this line I had time for was a boiled egg [without the yolk] and a quarter of a cucumber)
10 o'clock snack: 3 provita's and an apple
Lunch: I went out with mom, who's visiting and had half a vegetarian wrap (but was going to eat some strawberries and a hand full of nuts)
3 o'clock snack: (the one which I'm having now), is again 3 provita's and an apple.
Dinner will be some vedge/salad with meat (protein).
I"m only on my 4th glass of water and only have an hour left before I stop taking in fluids - I'm exercising (running hills with the club) right after work and there are no loo's in the vicinity!!
Weighing in at just over 63kg's...I'll see ya'll on the other side of those 3kg's!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My 2nd half marathon...

And I did it!!
And it was awesome!!!

Although I'm glad I didn't take picture of how I looked in my new outfit, because...ish - white legs and the ski-pants was way too short PLUS it kept riding up as I ran...eeek!
So that memory aside (and the main reason why there's no pic) - the rest of the experience and memories still puts a huge grin on my face!!

We started running and I was advised to take it slow - which was my strategy, since I won't know how my body's going to handle the long distance (without resting inbetween).
I was running with the very last pack and gradually just moved up my pace untill I felt comfotable at 5:37min's/km. I forced myself not to go faster than that.
I focused on the tranquil scenery - the woods beside us, the stream below us...it was 'n great day for a run. Some misty-like rain and overcast...everything green and fresh...

Untill we reached the halfway mark - and I could tell that I can better my previous time (of 2h and 6min's). I picked up my pace and started focusing on the guy infront of me - in catching up with him!!
As the km's flew past, I saw that I would be able to make it (probably) in, on 2hours!!
I grew extatic!!
But decided to save the last splurtch of energy for the last 3km's.

And so I did!

I gave it my all and finished super strong in a PB of 1h and 57min's!!!

I still can't believe that my body felt so strong (even afterwards)!!!
It must be the extra practice runs I've been putting in?!

Yesterday I went for a casual run from home and felt like a million bucks!
But tonight's another mile stone...4km time trial: running the 4km's as fast as I possibly can...

Frightened yet again...The worst I can do is 20min's. The best I can do is 19:20min's...and I so hope that I'll be able to do it like that...

I got a bit of a nasal drip enflaming my throught, but that won't keep me from running (the neck-rule applies here: if you're not dizzy and the sickness is just from the neck upwards - you can run...rule of thumb).

Okay...hou duim vas!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Take a deeeeeep breath....

Ek't eindelik by die Strand Atletiek Klub aangesluit, en gaan die naweek 'n half maraton in my "nuwe" club klere draf...Ish!
Ek moet eintlik 'n foto post sodat julle kan sien hoe ek gaan lyk - ek lag so effens vir myself, want ek't die hot pants ski pants gekoop, maar gelukkig is die bright yellow toppie lank genoeg om die royal blue sitvlak-area te cover!!
Maar wat gaan ek maak met die wit-wit-WIT! bene?!!

Okay, so - ek's redelik nervous, want ek't laas jaar laas so ver aan een gedraf...Haal diep asem...dit gaan okay wees...

Wel, ons sal maar sien.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ek's nie meer 'n drawwer nie...

13 Aug.

Gister het ek weer saam die groepie van die Strand club wat Bulte op Maandae en Spoed op Donderdae oefen, gaan oefen.
Dis bietjie vestreerend, want ek voel presies NIE soos die skrywer in Runners World sê: running's like mouthwash - if it burns, it's working!
En almal maan my heeltyd aan om dit rustig te vat vir die eerste 2 weke om injury te voorkom omdat my liggaam nog nie gewoond is aan daai tiepe van oefeninge nie.
So, ek moet agter die agterste mense heeltyd oefen… :-(
En dan vra Max (wat die groepies lei, wat vir my natuurlik presies soos oom Awie lyk!!) heeltyd hoe ek voel - en ek sweet nie eens nie - so dit voel nie of ek enige oefeninge inkry nie…Maar wat, nog net volgende week - dan kan ek hulle wys waar Oupa die wortels begrawe het, ne!!!!!
So vra iemand gister aand met afwarming: hoe lank hardloop ek al. Waarop ek geantwoord het: my hele familie hardloop…so ja - ek's 'n aan/af holler direk na "kruip" stadium…Moes ma my ooit vang vir pakslae???
Anyway. My eintlike punt:
So loop ons karre toe na die tyd en ek praat so van my draf buddies en hoe ons draf in die oggende, tot Max my onderbreuk en hy was nogals heel verontwaardig toe hy vir my sê: da's 'n groot verskil tussen 'n drawwer en 'n atleet!!!
Volgens hom, draf drawwers net rond - doelloos met geen mikpunt of strategie nie.
Maar atlete, het beslis strategie aan hulle oefen sessies. En hulle mikpunt is om die beste te word wat hulle kan!
Wow! Sê ek toe.
So, nou's nie meer 'n drawwer nie, maar van Maandag af, het ek 'n ATLEET geword!!
Ek't die naweek (14 Aug.) my verste afstand NOG afgelê: 30km!!

Die eerste 20km was nog fine en ek't myself terug gehou, sodat ek krag oorhet vir daai laaste 10 wat ek nie geweet het, hoe die lyf gaan maak nie...

En ongelukkig het dit "yuckier" as te verwagte gegaan :-(
Die laaste 10km het begin met 'n afdraente (nie lank genoeg nie), en toe die bult weer op. Niks lekker.
Daar's toe 'n water-breuk, en my bene was gaar/jelly!!

Maar niks so erg soos daai laaste 5km nie!
Hoe ek dit klaar gekry het, sal NIEMAND weet nie - ek's dankbaar en tog ook nie, aan daai 2 mensies wat my amper gesleep het tot by die einde. Ek was seer en als het gepyn!!
My voorkop, my tone, my boude en selfs my vingers!!!

Klaar gemaak en hinke-pink gestrek terwyl almal advies uitdeel...
In droeë, soute, stilte huis toe gery...hinke-pink na die opsigter gegaan en gevra vir die swembad sleutel...Met groot vrees in daai blou water ingespring!
My asem verloor! EN dadelik uitgeklim!
Maar toe besluit om dit weer te doen...ish! Die keer was dit erger, want ek't geweet wat kom...
Ingespring - probeer om my asemhaling te kalmeer en maar tot 10 toe getel...Toe pyn die vel van daai ysige water!
Ek's weer so vinnig ek kon daar uit!!

Hinke-pink huis toe.
By die deur vra die buurvrou: ah, is the water warm?
Waarop ek antwoord: no, it's very-very cold!

Myself teen die trappe van ons huisie opgesleep en die stort lekker warm oopgemaak.
Ek't myself in 'n "ander stasie" in geSTOOM!

En toe die lyf gaan neerlê in die bed...S-A-A-A-L-I-G!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 5

Went for my morning jog…feeling great!
Had oats and peanut butter for breakfast again.

I don’t want to do the Shake for lunch…sushi aint that harmful to my regeim?!!

(Phew) I pulled through – poured that Shake and took the first sip…and all resistance (towards sushi) crumbled!! Yeah for me!!
Tonight’s gonna be a challenge…we’ll probably go to the local pub. I NEEEEED to skip on the drinks and opt for a soda water (all night through)!!! PLUS, if we eat there, I need to order the chicken salad.
(Deep breath in: I’m going to make it!)

Day 3 (And here we go again)

I wanted to be somewhere else in my weight-saga, but non the less. I will keep my chin up, because perseverance is total key!

And I ate so well today (yeah! Brownie points for me!!)
Oats with peanutbutter for breakfast, Meal replacement shake made with water for lunch and dinner we were invited over by Oom Johnny and tannie Veronica. And I amazed myself! I only ate of the chicken fillet, stir fry and salad!!

Day 2…Sort of.

I can’t say that I gave it my all last night, neither this morning…but in the same breath I can’t say that I’ve failed misrebly.
So…I’m still in this thing. And will have to pull my weight (literly) tonight to see myself through to day 3.
We’ll see…

Nope…I didn’t make it through the day without cheating horrendously.
Tomorrow’s another day.

Day 3 (And here we go again)

I wanted to be somewhere else in my weight-saga, but non the less. I will keep my chin up, because perseverance is total key!

And I ate so well today (yeah! Brownie points for me!!)
Oats with peanutbutter for breakfast, Meal replacement shake made with water for lunch and dinner we were invited over by Oom Johnny and tannie Veronica. And I amazed myself! I only ate of the chicken fillet, stir fry and salad!!

Day 1…once again

All I can do is to actually laugh at myself, because the only reason I'm still on Day1, is because I've been kidding myself and tricking myself in thinking: just one more unhealthy burger…just one more piece of cake…THEN I'll start my weight loss regeim.
But alas.
I have been fooling only myself.

So once again…let's see how far we can go with this "Day 1"

Reinventing yourself!

Re-inventing oneself:

It starts with lip gloss: putting on some lip gloss, instantly perk's up any dull mood & face!

And then comes the harder part: loosing the desired weight…

It's tough, because most of us don't own up to the consequences of our own actions.

Our priorities are out of wack and we depend on our emotions for guidance!

The radio presenter ends his stories each morning by saying:

lighten up, and live!!!

So, lighten up! Breath. Relax.

Make an effort with your beauty sleep, and the same goes for your appearance. You know you feel a million bucks when you’ve taken meticulous time with things like hair and make up and choosing the right outfit!

If you can, why not put on your brightest colour lipstick and go for a massage!!

Be daring and courageous - take on this new life challenge with meaning to score goals every hour of your day!

And you know what: with yourself as your main supporter - you can accomplish astonishing hights!!!!!

Because it's called Self-dicipline.

You might never have used it before, but through Christ you've definitaly got access to it…and not only access, it's already in you!

Can you see why I think the slogan: lighten up and live, is so appropriate?

You have it all in you - now just use it!

Wake-up the "dormit" you and start living…you are now going to work off your self-inflicted excess weight.

Safari half marathon - super funner!!

One of the reasons it was super funner, was that everything went wrong...and now, eventually - we can laugh about it!

My hubby wasn't fit enough to do the 21km, so I opted to join him in the 21km relay (10.5km each).

We arrived late in Worcester and couldn't find the right turn off. So in fustration, we parked the car in town and ran in the direction of where we thought it will all take place (start).

Out of breath, like alot of people in our position, running along side us - we arrived at the wrong jumping point.

We milled through the crowd and 15min's later came to the "right" street...Werner was "runner A" and as the crowd was counted down, he could jump with them!

(Phew, or so I thought!)

Over an hour later Werner came running up to me (to do the batton hand over), only he had no batton!

I later learned that he jumped with the walking group by mistake and missed the hand out of the battons.

Luckily, a nice marshall gave us one and off I went!

It was a bit grueling, but still awesome!!

Here's the pic...Werner, myself, Johan (did his 10th Safari half marathon) and his wife Anja.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 4

Going well…my weight is dropping again…slowly, but it’s better to drop a 100gram than pick up anything!
Later my day went wretched and I licked my wounds with comfort food in the form of lasagna. Not a total loss, as I did a huge salad followed by popcorn and a movie for dinner.

Friday, April 16, 2010

It must have been the 6 biscuites I ate yesterday...

I way a 100 or 200 grams more than I did yesterday!!!
I'm super fustrated now!!!!

I ran my 10km's this morning and it's weekend (at this time I don't excercies on the weekends, because my shins hurt from running too far all of a sudden). So I rest over weekends to recover. I want to keep the training pace, bacuase of the Safari half marathon on the 1st of May.
I heard it's a super "lekker" race to run!

Plus, something I need to go and google quickly - it's either water retention or my limit of daily water intake is about 2liters?! Cause I get major headaches when I go over! And my headache just stopped now (since I reached my 3liter mark yesterday).

Anyway...just babbeling and hoping for a good "eating" weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeling a bit fustrated, and hating THAT feeling!!

I picked up 4kg's since December and it doesn't feel good at all!!!
And the real fustration, is that I'm not trying hard enough to get the weight off.
So I'm just angry at myself...

See, it goes like this: anyone who wants to loose weight, can.
It's super easy.
And all weightloss regimes and pills work.
The reason people don't loose weight - like myself, is that they don't really try.
We only give a small bit of ourselves to the whole effort and then we blame the "miracle" cure for not working!
When in actual fact, the label will read: follow with suitable excercise and eating plan.

Anyway. I'm on my 5th glass of water (drinking boiled water, because I'm cold). My aim is ofcourse to drink 12 glasses before "tjila-tyd", and I'm actually feeling better already: thoughts rambeling through my head about the things I've learned/read up on and have done and am doing - all in regards to loosing weight that is.
I've learned alot.
And I am excercising 4 times a week.
And life ain't that bad...I'll reach my goal weight (which is why I entitled my blog as Life...it won't always be about weight...because LIFE goes on...).

"Lekker werk!"