Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weight loss challenge (after pregnancy)... So, I started a 3 week challenge (2 and a half weeks ago). I've got about 10kg's to shake since my pregnancy. More like 7kg's, but anycase... I took a before pic and will take one every 3rd Friday. The 1st week was terrible and I didn't at all focus on healthy food choices or excercising. Week 2 went 110% better!! I weighed 64.7kg's 2 weeks ago. And then after last week I weighed 61.7kg. I had on 30% body fat and last week was on 29%. This week went really well on the excercise front. Am bushed from spinning and running real hard! I ate horendously today though. Breakfast was oats, 1 teaspoon of peanutbutter and sweetner. I only had about 4 glasses of water during the day. I snacked on 2 provitas, an apple AND a rusk!!!! Lunch was a white bread roll AND a portion of pasta!!!! Dinner was 2 helpings of potatoe salad, a tjop, a piece of wors and a small chicken soesatie. Preceeded by 2 cocktail rolls and a glass of red wine!!!! Eeeeck!! (It gets worse...) After dinner I had coffee with 6 blocks of chocolate!!! :-) This morning I ran 6.4km's at a snails pace (6:18min/km). Will do better on ALL fronts tomorrow (got love the Tomorrow's!!)