Monday, January 29, 2018

Day 15 - 21 Day Challenge

Good night day 15!!!
And YUP!! This picture perfectly describes how it's going...
21 Days are so short, and yet so long...Everyday goes right for a couple of hours and then around later afternoon-ish, it just doesn't anymore :-(
Today was 110%!!  And since my 21 days are over come Sunday, I reeeealy wanna see if I can make it through one week with 90% success...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Day 10 - 21 Day healthy eating challenge

Day 9 was a fail... I just felt despondent and didn't feel like putting in any effort in getting my body to a healthier state.
So, I ate a whole lot of junk yesterday afternoon and then too much food for dinner.
On a positive note:  I went out for a sweaty 40min gym session while hubby put our son to bed (little one was thankfully already asleep).
I love watching the old music videos on VH1 and crank up the volume so it drowns out my tired sorry butt! 😆  It really just picks me up!!

And then my son went to school with the push bike this morning.  So, I strapped the baby into the jogger and went down with him.  Super slowly as he stops for absolutely everything!!! But I then worked on the glisten of sweaty beads on my face, as I sped back up home after dropping him off - SUPER COOL!!
Love endorphins baby!!!

So, hello day 10.
I am 900grams down from yesterday (despite my  horrible efforts from yesterday...Must be Monday's goodness!)
Gonna try and keep up with 16:8 fast today.  
And reeeeealy try and stick to 100% eating plan throughout the rest of the day.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Day 9 out of 21 day Challenge

Sloth mode is definitely how I feel today...
Things are going super slow and I have noooo energy.
Plus, my weight remains the same (basically).

Quick update since I didn't blog day 5-8 of this eating specific meal plan - 21 day challenge I set for myself:
Day 4 ended perfectly - I ate 100% to what I had set out to eat.  Day 5 was Friday and I decided to "cheat" a bit. And it went on all weekend long. I gained a kilo.
And this is where I'm at now: 69.7kg.

And so, because of all my bad food choices over the weekend, I decided to do a 16:8 fast yesterday.
I was super good!!!
And then the scale rewards me by not budging even a few grams?!!!!
Not fair!!!

(But then again: we are what we eat - so I can't completely blame the poor old fortune telling floor tile for giving me the combined interest-facts of what I've done to my body over the weekend...)

I feel fat and really not feeling up to continuing with any effort to get out of this wobbly state...

It's 10.27am here in gorgeous Sunny South Africa, and thus far I have only been good on the eating front.
Sipping on my 2nd cup of Joe to keep me sane.

I've decided to add 16:8 intermittent fasting to my diet during this challenge.
And I'm reading up on Ketosis as well to perhaps interpret it as well...

But for now: gotta get my jiggly bits in working mode and out of sloth mode!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 4 of 21 day challenge

So, yesterday was a fail... :-(
But I'm getting back up again!

I went for an hour walk this morning with baba in the running pram. Super relaxing.
And so far, I've eaten a small piece of meat from last night's dinner, egg & toast, a peach and coffee with milk in it.
I've guzzled some water also since I came from the walk - probably about a liter...

But as I was walking, I thought to myself: how did I manage to shake off 6kg in 3 weeks, the previous time?
And the answer is this: I stuck to the plan 110%!!! No loafing!!
And I realize that I have been very mediocre about this 21 day challenge...

Time to pull up my socks and stick to the plan 100%!!

I'll be weighing myself tomorrow.
Not expecting too much. But will do it anyway.

Alongside the weight that must fall, I am also working towards my dream of running the Comrades Marathon in 2020.
I've also fallen short of my short term goals to build up to it slowly.
And am hoping to achieve them this year.
So hopefully DV , I will run my 2nd 30km race end of March this year.
And then go on to train for my 1st marathon in August.

And that's why I only went for a walk today. And will continue with super low impact training tomorrow (also for an hour), so that I can go run around 18km's on Saturday morning in preparation to stretch my distance: I'm trying to go 3km's further every weekend up till race day.

Enough said for today. Time to start getting busy!

Whoever's reading this - do drop me a line - would love to hear your comments!
Otherwise, just have a super day!!


Good morning world!!! It has been quite some while since I've been on this site, but I'm sure happy to be back!
And this is EXACTLY how I feel!! I've recently read one of Belind Nortin's posts where she basically says: no one can make the change for you - you need to get up and do it yourself!! And this motivated me to get back my healthy per-pregnancy body!! Last year, during my 2nd pregnancy, I've let go quite a whoooole lot :-) But today is day 3 of my own 21 day challenge, where the main focus is calorie counting and low impact cardio. I'm the same weight as I was the day we got married (I wasn't a skinny bride). Thereafter I picked up some more weight and then went to a weight doctor, who very simply helped me loose 6kg's in 3 weeks. So, this is the very same plan I am following now: About 300cals of food 3 x per day Plus 1 hour of low impact cardio every day. No cheating. Lots of water. My meals consist of: Toast, baked egg and an apple (with coffee with milk), for breakfast 3 x Medium fruit for lunch And 100g of lean meat and vedge/salad for dinner. Easy peasy!! Walking or doing the fitness elliptical trainer at the gym for an hour everyday. Anywho. Gonna weigh myself on Friday and see the what I could reach for the week. And this blog, just keeps me in check: writing things down is like committing to it! So, will keep blogging and committing :-)